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We show indications of the most fuel-efficient flights and eco-labeled hotels and come recommended by The Guardian, USA Today and TheStreet.

Find cheap flights with glooby

glooby flight search makes it easy to compare prices and book cheap flights online. glooby search and compare prices on flights from over 140 low cost airlines, travel agencies and airlines in seconds. Once you have found the right flight, you'll be directed completely free to the company selling the trip.

Flights There is a very wide range of flights from various travel companies on the web, so it's not always easy to know what to choose and where. United States has a large number of travel agencies and airlines that handle bookings of travel. It is not always their offers to suit your preference, given the price, travel time, comfort, payment and more. Therefore glooby helps you to compare all their offers against each other.

glooby's global flight search glooby flight search allows users to compare prices on flights from more than 140 booking sites, from the leading travel agencies, airlines and low cost airlines online. Every day glooby travelers like you to compare deals on cheap flights. You can get information about flights to Bangkok, Barcelona or Paris. You can quickly and easily find the best flight on glooby.

Find cheap flights with glooby With glooby you can quickly and easily find the flight at the best price. Type in where you wish to travel, your planned dates and number of people, and let the search engine to compare flights for you. To refine the search, you can filter by price, travel time, comfort, airlines and more. You can choose everything from budget flights to climate-friendly air, glooby makes it easy to book your flight online. Search rates from airlines such as Ryanair or Norwegian, which will take you to wherever you want to go. For example, to popular holiday destinations as London, Prague and many other important cities and destinations.

Cheap prices All cheap flight prices shown on the website include all taxes and fees. The price of airfare you see in the search results is exactly the same as the final price you pay for the trip. glooby helps you to find trips that fit your budget. glooby also shows the flight which is the most fuel efficient and are recommended by The Guardian, USA Today or The Street.

How to book glooby is a site for flight price comparison with a comprehensive flight search engine. Prices shown are a large variety of low-cost airlines, travel agencies and airlines. On glooby users choose the flight that best satisfies their wants and needs, while the actual booking process is performed on the booking pages (which are connected to our website). By clicking on the button "View offer" you will be diverted to a booking page. From there, you can check, review and book the offer you saw on glooby.

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What to consider when booking a flights

When you book your dream trip, so it is certainly many practical details to keep track of to get off on the fixed date, travel with good security and prepare in case something unexpected happens. To make that part of the process easier for you as a traveler, glooby lists below summarizes the necessary information. This is to let you know what you should consider when you book airfare and hotels abroad.

Destinations Using glooby destinations you will find travel inspiration for your next getaway. With the service, you get hundreds of suggestions for destinations all over the world to visit. The destinations are spread across continents, countries and cities. Additionally, you can follow glooby on Instagram for more travel inspiration!

When looking for your next destination glooby provides destinations with information about the destination such as population, currencies and languages. There is also information about the weather and additionally expects glooby the local time for your destination automatically. Furthermore, you can see past searches of flights with prices and travel times, popular hotel and get suggestions for alternative destinations to visit.

Travel guides When it comes to travel guides and travel stories, unlike the information we provide with glooby destinations, you have a variety of sites to explore. Two of the most visited websites of travel guides on the web are Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor. At Lonely Planet, you will find, for example, charts of what other tourists consider to be the best destinations worldwide. TripAdvisor find lots of tips and reviews of destinations, attractions and events.

Another tip is to visit tourist sites on the web. All major destinations and cities have their own websites with information for travelers. On the homepage you will find information about both the tourist attractions and events such as visa requirements and other necessary information to know. Examples of tourist offices are Visit Stockholm, Visit London or Visit New York.

PASSPORT & VISA When booking a flight, you should examine the passport and visa requirements for the country you will visit. When traveling in the EU and EEA (such as Norway and Switzerland) apply Schengen cooperation rules. This means you do not need a visa to travel to the country. When traveling outside the EU, the rules are different for each country. Flights to the United States, for example, Australia and Thailand require tourist visas. In some countries it is possible to obtain a temporary visa on the spot.

According to the rules of the Schengen agreement you should not need to show your passport at the border. Sometimes you may need to show your passport when you are in the country. We therefore recommend that you always have with you a valid passport or European ID card when traveling in the EU / EEA. Be sure to check that your ID and valid for the entire length of the journey. As regards passports, it is also important that it is valid for the entire journey. For some countries require that the passport is valid for between three to six months after the end of the journey. Also check visa requirements and that you have a valid visa.

Mobile Being able to use and have a mobile phone available for the trip is a security. However, you should consider whether your cell phone works in the country you will be visiting. In most cases, operates GSM standard in European countries, South America, Asia and Africa. In contrast, in the United States used a different standard (900/1900 MHz), which means that your phone must support the standard to be able to make or receive calls. For example, in Japan does not operate GSM standard in general, however, you can use the phone with 3G. It is also important to consider whether your mobile subscription allows calls to or from the country you are visiting.

Electronics Many are not aware that all countries in the world do not have "two holes in the wall" for the mains. If you want to take your electronic gadgets on the trip, you should check the type of adapter that is needed to connect. You can read more information about different countries electrical systems on World Standards.

Consumer Rights You get automatically consumer rights by putting you on the airplane. For example, in terms of lost, damaged or delayed baggage. If your luggage is damaged during the flight, you can be reimbursed up to $1'000.

You can never be denied air travel because of disabilities or mobility impairments. For you as a traveler it does not matter whether the function or the disability is physical, mental, permanent or temporary.

Embassies abroad You can turn to the US Embassy in the country you are visiting if any problems arise, for example, if your travel documents (tickets, passport, visa, etc.) is lost or stolen. United States has about 180 embassies around the world and for countries without the American Embassy, there is always an embassy in neighboring countries to help American citizens. To find more information about United States's embassies abroad and "Honorary" you can visit the website US Embassy.

Thinking of a flight to a country that for various reasons considered an uncertain destination, we recommend that you first checked its status Foreign Ministry website. On the website you will receive current information of any conflicts or unrest prevailing in the country as well as recommendations from the Foreign Ministry.