


  • We do everything we can to show the same prices as those displayed by the travel supplier.

  • No. We show the same prices as the travel supplier and we do not add any fees for our service.


  • No. Glooby does not sell anything. We show deals from different travel suppliers, and the booking is made at the travel supplier's website.

  • Contact the travel supplier from where you made your booking. They have all the information about your booking.

  • Check that the prices are the same as those shown on our website. Then, check that the other criteria is correct, such as times, dates, etc.


  • In our CO2 emissions calculation for flights, we use an advanced formula that calculates CO2 emissions per passenger for a specific route. Learn more about our CO2 calculation for flights.

  • An eco-labelled hotel is a hotel that has followed certain guidelines and has been certified by an organization. Read more about Eco-labelled hotels.

  • Glooby is a travel search engine, helping your company to find and compare flights and hotels while meeting your CSR goals. Glooby is completely free, but if you want to know more, be included in our corporate network, use Glooby in marketing or as a part of your CSR efforts, please contact us