


Glooby is a travel search engine that enables users to find and compare prices on airplane tickets and hotels, while indicating the most fuel-efficient flights and eco-labeled hotels.

We are only a travel search engine and we do not sell anything. We search the other travel sites and show you all information you need to make the best travel decision. Once you have found what you want, we let you decide where you want to book and refer you to the booking site where you can complete your booking.

And because our team is constantly improving the site and its features to make the travel industry more sustainable, we offer a variety of new unique features such as a flight carbon emissions calculator and indications of which hotels are eco-labeled, directly integrated in the search results.

Glooby is an independent company, available in Sweden and the United States and two languages. Each day we process queries for travel information from travelers who are looking for the cheapest and most sustainable travel options. Our users are both individuals and companies, but is characterized by environmentally conscious and socially responsible travelers.


In 2013, two programmers gathered with the ambition to create a travel site that is not only the best in the world, but also, the best for the world. They wanted to create a travel site that not only showed the cheapest options, but that also made it easier for people to find the best and most environmentally friendly alternatives – glooby was founded.

Glooby is a completely free travel site searching among millions of cheap flights, over 500,000 hotels transparently showing low carbon flights and eco-labeled hotels. We offer a site to help you plan your trips easily and quickly, allowing you to spend less time planning and more time to experience everything the world has to offer.

We are proud to be the first travel site to gather low carbon flights and eco-labelled hotels in one place. Our ambition is to launch globally, constantly develop the travel service and really change the travel industry. We want to make it easier for individuals and companies to make the best travel decisions and increase environmental awareness among travelers worldwide. Our philosophy is, the more accessible we make sustainable flights and hotels, the greater the effect it will have on our environment. We believe that the power of consumers can change and influence the sustainability challenges we face in the travel industry.

Sustainable travel

Glooby consists of people with a passion to travel and discover new places, people and cultures around the world. Did you know that over 1 billion tourists are traveling to new places around the globe every year? That is an awful lot of carbon dioxide emissions from airplanes each year, so it is important to be conscious and make changes where we can.

As an environmentally conscious traveler, you wonder what you can do to preserve the places you love and you soon realize that sustainable travel is more than reusing your towel. Green travel is described as travel that has an awareness of socio-cultural, economic and environmental sustainability. It is also called ecotourism, sustainable tourism and responsible travel.

By taking a sustainable approach to travel bookings, you can easily care for the places you love to visit. So that those who live there and those who will visit in the future also will be able to walk along the sparkling white beaches and hiking through pristine rainforest. The reward to being conscious of sustainable travel, is that it will enhance your travel experience.

Glooby do not think people should stop traveling and discovering the world. We believe that we should reduce our carbon footprint. Two simple steps it to choose the most fuel-efficient flight and stay at an eco-labeled hotel.

If you have any questions about glooby, check out our FAQ or Contact. We appreciate all the tips and feedback!